Opening a hair salon in Hackney Wick

Community for us is everything. Living and working in Hackney Wick puts us in the centre of our community, thats why we wanted to open a hairdressers in the area to create a real sense of belonging.

We luckily found a studio space in Fish Island Village which is part of “The Trampery” .The Trampery is a London-based social enterprise, specialising in shared workspace and support for entrepreneurs and creative businesses. (A perfect space for our hair salon).

Both Stefano and myself have been working in various hairdressers in South London and East London and lockdown made us stop and think how we can make our hair salon environment work for us.

We wanted to work in a calm hairdressing environment. Hair salons can be hectic at busy times, you can work long hours and cram too many people in your chair in at the same time.

We created Maganda hair studio to set the pace and really take care of our guests, to make you feel pampered, relaxed and most importantly enjoy those human connections that we’ve all missed so much. In this safe, inclusive and supportive space then we can all feel less stressed in a hairdressers.

We are also huge advocates for mental health and believe talking about mental health especially in hair salons is so important, not only for our guests but for hairdressing staff too. Talking about mental health helps to aid recovery and takes the stigma out of something that effects us too … especially after the lockdown! We all need some love and support, we are here to listen.


The Trampery -Meet the Members: Maganda Hair Studio for Self-Care Inside And Out